1029 / 44
This is a under-voltage switch module used to turn off the power of load in the event of the voltage dropping below a set value.
- When the battery voltage increases to a set value, the module will automatically turn on load again.
- Designed with a LED indicator to show if load is cut off or turned on.
- Both turn-off and turn-on voltage value can be adjusted by simply adjusting potentiometer.
- This protection board will help you to protect battery from over-discharging and prolong battery life.
Technické údaje:
Jmenovité napětí AKU: 12V
Chyba odpojení: ±0.1V
Max. zátěž kontaktů relé: 10A
Size: 5*3*1.7cm / 2.0*1.2*0.7in
Tento produkt byl přidán dne Pátek 09. březen 2018.